Softball is the most popular participant sport in America. Each season more
than 40 million individuals engage in organized leagues that sponsor an
estimated 23 million softball games. These games are also the source of more
recreational sports injuries than any other single sport. This study examined
the frequency and probable causes of softball injuries, the costs associated
with them and possible options for prevention. This retrospective study showed
an average of 7.2 injuries per 100 games played in representative adult-amateur
league play over a two-year period. On a national basis, if more than 7% of all
games result in injuries requiring acute medical care, the personal losses and
health care costs are significant. Base sliding was the cause of 71% of the
injuries in the study sample. The concentration of injuries resulting from this
one activity make it a likely candidate for rules changes, better training, or
modifications in the design of bases, as a means to reduce softball injuries.
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