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The Institute has continued to garner significant print and electronic media coverage as it relates to our injury prevention and health care cost containment approach. Since our last update the diversity of our exposure to the public has continued to grow on a national and international basis. Dr. Janda’s
book entitled The Awakening of a Surgeon, which documents the development of the Institute as well as our injury prevention research at the Institute, has gained significant media exposure. Feature articles in the print media have included
Self Magazine, Orthopedics Today, Advance Magazine, Redbook Magazine,
Better Homes and Gardens, Good Housekeeping, The Observer Eccentric
Newspaper series, The Ann Arbor News, The Associated Press,
United Press International, The Community Crier, The Doings, Suburban
Life, Sports Medicine and Family Practice News, Pediatric News, The
Detroit Free Press, The Lakeland Ledger, and The Plymouth Journal. In addition, our injury prevention research as well as the book
The Awakening of a Surgeon was highlighted in the electronic media as well. Feature presentations on WWJ Radio, WJR Radio, WWJ Radio, and WOMC Radio with Dick Purtan all highlighted the Institute, as well as, the book. In addition, Mr. Ron Tabernath hosted a half hour show on the Institute’s approach to health care cost containment on WOMC. The Independent Radio Network also broadcast a show on the Institute’s approach. In addition CJBK in London, Ontario highlighted the Institute’s research as well as the book in a recent broadcast. Feature presentations on the internet have also occurred. These presentations have occurred on HealthAtoZ.com, Healthscout.com, and CBS Healthwatch. The television medium has also been extremely helpful in disseminating our message on injury prevention and healthcare cost containment. Feature pieces on the Institute on Fox News twice in Detroit, CBS affiliate from Saginaw and Flint, ABC in Detroit, NBC in Toledo have all featured the Institutes approach to healthcare cost containment.
Dr. Janda was honored to be selected by Oprah Winfrey to be a part in her summer safety show. Dr. Janda was selected to present issues as it relates to recreational and sports related injury during the first half hour of Ms. Winfrey’s show. In addition, Ms. Winfrey featured his book,
The Awakening of a Surgeon, in the show and in fact, distributed the book to her audience at the conclusion of the show. It was an honor for both Dr. Janda and the Institute to be selected by Ms. Winfrey to bring the message of injury prevention and healthcare cost containment to the public’s doorstep. The viewing audience for that particular show has been estimated to be twelve million individuals. Needless to say, this was a unique opportunity to reach twelve million individuals in one fell swoop. We truly appreciate Ms. Winfrey’s generosity in including us on her show.

Awakening of a Surgeon . . .
Click here
for more information.

The Power of
Prevention . . .
Click here
for more information.